Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Sewing machines from the SEWING MACHINE PROJECT have arrived


73 machines from The SEWING MACHINE PROJECT have arrived to Mayan Families offices. It was really exciting to open the big boxes and see what was in them, machines, fabrics, and other sewing materials. Now we will be able to give out some of these machines to the women of Sololá, which graduated last December 2012.
There are also three more groups right now, participating in the sewing classes with Don Alberto, learning how to use the sewing machine, some of them will be graduating soon, so they will also be able to receive their machine very soon.
We warmly thank the constant support from the Sewing Machine Project and for this wonderful donation, so many woman will be able to continue to practice their skills, and have an income for their families.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Women Empowerment Workshops

Women formed by the theater group Las Poderosas under the Convention Peacebuilding in Guatemala have emerged from their own short life stories.

Mayan Families Foundation was the ideal place to project four of eight short films from the CD "Returning the waves to the sea", a creative work from the life experiences of Mayan women and violence in their communities which now we can see the rewards from it.

Graduates from the Sewing Project, attended as part of their educational process that composes the program. Groups from Panajachel, Solola, Tierra Linda and San Jorge are those who have been participating in the program and many came with a clear objective, sensitized and the union of women to strengthen themselves.

About 30 women gathered around the patio of the Foundation with excitement and eager to share with their peers. For two hours there was laughter, tears and knowing glances.

Testimonials like "women should fight for space", "violence destroys our self-esteem and our dreams" and "the man wants the woman to remain in the house and in the kitchen, does not want us to go to training courses" repeated over and over, in order to seep inside each one of them.

The Foundation has several programs that work with women, this activity will continue to promote, to improve the situation of these women and their family.

Thanks to MPDL (Movimiento por la Paz, Desarme y Libertad), we have been able to make this workshop possible.

You can see the Spanish version of the note here:

Friday, March 1, 2013

New sewing group

Mothers and/or sisters of your sponsored students have iniciated the eighth sewing course in Panajachel. Thanks to your sponsor these women are able to improve their lives by learning to use a sewing machine, learn a new skill, promote the habit of saving money, and train them with live skills. These mothers are really enthusiastic with learning new things every day. Through the use of a sewing machine these women are able to produce more items in less time, and have a higher quality products, wich increases their selling merchandise. 

Guadalupe, Lucia, Heidy, Josefina, Lucía García, Juaquina and Francisca are mothers or sisters of sponsored students that have now started the sewing classes.

Here some of the new students attending the sewing classes

Damaris and Estela, have also signed up to participate in the sewing course offered by Mayan Families, but still need a sponsor. Unfortunately we are not able to offer the sewing course for free as it includes a teacher, the space, and materials.  The women who sign up know are aware that they have to collaborate in order to participate.  Your support is an integral part of their kids educational success.

Our Sewing Project promotes Income Generating Activities (IGA) and the economic advancement of women by teaching them this vocational skill. Our goal is to train women in using a sewing machine to promote economic security of the participant, her family and her community. We also promote the transfer of skills within the participants, promote the habit of saving money, and train participants with life-skills. This is truly a special opportunity for these moms and we are very excited that they have chosen to participate.

If you are interested in donating, the cost for the course is $75 dollars and you can follow these instructions:

1.    Follow this link:
2.    Enter $75.00 in the "other" box
3.    Write "Sewing Class" in the "details" box
4.    Click Submit form

Thank you again for all of your support for these families!